Physical, Institutional Or Sexual Abuse
If you have suffered from sexual, physical, or institutional abuse, you may be entitled to compensation. We understand that no amount of financial redress can take away the devastating effects, however it may help to support you through difficult times.
Sexual, physical and institution abuse have life-long effects on the survivor and their family. The psychological scars can impact every aspect of your life, including your mental and physical health, earning ability, relationships, and your ability to form social connections.
We understand that it can be challenging for victims of abuse to take steps towards seeking legal and financial support, let alone discuss the abuse they endured. Our legal specialists are trained to deal with your call in a caring, sensitive way, and any information shared will be treated with strict confidence.  Â
Abuse claims can be made against an institution or an individual perpetrator, or in many cases, both. In cases where the perpetrator is no longer alive, the institution (or insurance companies) responds with respect to their own failures in protecting childhood abuse victims from a perpetrator.
Our team of lawyers are experienced in bringing claims for individuals who were subject to abuse in the following environments:
- Churches
- Schools
- Universities
- Childcare centres
- The workplace
- Prisons
- Detention centres
- Orphanages
- State and Federal Government Departments
- Australian Defence Force
- Other institutions

Can you claim compensation? Click the button below to find out in 30 seconds.
Or contact us on
1300 6952 9937 for an obligation free consult.

Who can
make a claim?
Our team of professional and friendly lawyers can support and guide you in making a claim that is available to you. We understand the difficulties you are facing and will make sure the process is as smooth as possible, approaching your claim in a respectful and discrete manner.
We can guide you through the process one step at a time, using our experience to help you secure the best possible outcome. In most cases, the claim can be settled without proceeding to court. Wherever possible, we will also endeavour to find alternatives to the stress of traditional proceedings. We explore methods of resolving claims that are more sensitive to the specific needs of abuse survivors.

The Royal Commission
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse was established on 11 January 2013 to respond to allegations of sexual abuse of children in institutional context. The state government committed to taking action to support victims and survivors and reduce the risk of institutional child sexual abuse.

The National Redress Scheme
The National Redress Scheme of Australia (NRS) was established in 2018 as a recommendation by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The aim of the scheme is to support survivors of child sexual abuse suffered at institutions. Providing the abuse occurred at an institution that has opted into the scheme, survivors may apply to receive monetary compensation and/or gain access to psychological services.

How is an abuse claim evaluated?
The amount of compensation to be claimed varies from case to case depending on the victim’s personal situation and circumstances. For example:
- Psychological injury, diagnosis, and impairment.
- Medical treatment, counselling, or psychiatric care needed.
- Effects on past and future ability to work and earn income.
- Damages for pain and suffering endured.
- Care and assistance needed.
- Living circumstances, drug/alcohol use, periods of incarceration, familial circumstances, life story, etc.

Who is responsible for paying sexual abuse compensation?
The organisation where you suffered sexual abuse is responsible for paying compensation. It is most likely the organisation will have an insurer to cover the compensation payment. If you claim under the National Redress Scheme, the scheme will pay the payment. We strongly recommend survivors speak to a specialist lawyer before applying through the scheme.

What is the statute of limitations?
A statute of limitations sets a time limit on the start of a legal proceeding. For offences that have a statute of limitations, claims must be brought before the time limit expires. The laws have recently changed in some states, so time limits no longer apply. In other states, time limits will apply. Speak to one our experienced abuse lawyers to find out where you stand.

What is the legal process for abuse compensation?
Laws in every state across Australia differ, so the claim process will depend on the situation and location of your case. We recommend you seek legal advice as soon as you are able to, so you know where you stand. Our expert and trauma trained lawyers will guide you through the process one step at a time, making the process as stress free as possible.
Call us or contact us online